Services offered

Select a topic below to learn more

  • Digital Inclusion Account and Password Help

    Account and password help

    Over time, we will accumulate many accounts and passwords (called credentials), and we need to keep them safe. But what if we forget to write down the updated password, or we might lose the little black book?

  • Digital Inclusion Apps


    Apps (short for applications) help us achieve what we are trying to do. Whether you are writing an email, browsing the internet or checking the weather, it’s all done on an app.

  • Digital Inclusion Computers


    We’ve come to depend on computers just doing what they’re supposed to do and when they go wrong - they go wrong. When it comes time to replace them, that can even be difficult.

  • Digital Inclusion Health Check

    Health check

    For that peace of mind, your home's computers, tablets, phones, and WiFi are safe, updated, and protected.

  • Digital Inclusion Laptops


    Laptops are more portable than computers and very convenient. They can be just as powerful as their larger cousins and just as complicated.

  • Digital Inclusion Mobile Phones and Watches

    Mobile phones and watches

    Mobile phones and Smart Watches go in tandem with our day-to-day technology. They make payments, give us access to email and keep us in touch with our loved ones.

  • Digital Inclusion Printers


    Printers help us make physical copies of our digital information. Like our computers and phones, we need them to work when we need them.

  • Smart home

    Our homes are becoming more intelligent, with lighting, thermostats, smoke detectors, meters, blinds, TVs, security, and appliances, to name a few!

  • Digital Inclusion Tablets


    These mobile devices with touchscreens are perfect to take just about anywhere.

  • Graduation hat


    Sometimes, we all need a little extra help on our digital journey. Whether you’re a complete beginner or looking to brush up on specific skills, having bespoke training can help give you confidence.

  • Digital Inclusion Virus


    Computer Viruses (viruses for short) can infect and attack any device, from computers and laptops to phones, tablets, and anything else.

  • Digital Inclusion WiFi


    WiFi (and Bluetooth) gives us the freedom of not having wires and connecting our devices just about anywhere.