Account and password help

We all know that dreaded feeling when we have misplaced our key or wallet and how we search high and low to find it. When we do, we don’t usually think about it again. We often feel we have control because the key is now back in our hands, and we’re safe. But are you?

Losing access to online or computer accounts may also be something we all have in common, and this often happens because we forget our passwords or how we spell the password. Did I spell it london, London or L0nd0n?

Keeping detailed records can be tricky, and writing all that information down in the world of online security is not only a daunting prospect, but is it practical or safe?

Then, there is a prospect of working with the support company for my email or my bank. Am I asking the right questions? Should I give them access to my device? Are we talking the same language?

I can help you with all these challenges by first taking the time to understand what you are currently experiencing, what used to happen, and when it changed. Once I better understand the situation, we can agree on a plan and then take steps to get you back up and running securely and safely.

Click the pricing button for more information.