The Key Centre

We delivered our IT Jargon and Scams Prevention Workshop to an exciting group of around 35 people on Elvetham Heath and are delighted with the feedback.

Date: Monday, 02 September 2024

Time: 1500 (3pm)

Venue: The Key Centre, Elvetham Heath, Fleet, GU51 1HA

Digital Inclusive Scam Prevention and Jargon Buster Workshop

Here is some of the feedback from our workshop, Scams and Jargon, at

The Key Centre, Elvetham.

Very topical and pitched at the right level for our generation.
— Peter C
Very good and interesting. Thank you for taking the time to explain things so I can understand.
— Samantha F
It went very well and I thoroughly enjoyed the workshop and did not feel intimidated.
— James S
It was a perfect presentation, and you gave some great tips on how to protect myself better.
— Tina Q