Harlow Hall

We delivered our IT Jargon and Scams Prevention Workshop to a welcoming group of around 40 on Ordnance Road and were encouraged by the continued feedback.

Date: Wednesday, 23 October 2024

Time: 1500 (3pm)

Venue: Harlow Hall, 1 Ordnance Road, Aldershot, GU11 1TW

Free Seniors Technology Workshop at Harlow Hall, Aldershot.

We had a lovely time at Harlow Hall who warmly welcomed the public and kindly provided refreshments and set us up in their cinema!


Here is some of the feedback from our workshop, Scams and Jargon, at

Harlow Hall.

Very informative and pitched at the right level. I would love to know more and look forward to your next workshop.
— Charles
I am grateful for the time you gave up for us today, who are often forgotten.
— Ann
I thought I knew alot, but you have opened my eyes to so much more, including door scams! I would like to know more.
— Keith
I found it quite informative and helpful. Thank you for the handout and the tips!
— David