Fleet Social and Bowling Club

We delivered our IT Jargon and Scams Prevention Workshop to an engaging group of around 40 club members on Clarence Road and are delighted with the feedback.

Date: Wednesday, 17 July 2024

Time: 2000 (8pm)

Venue: Clarence Road, Fleet, GU51 3RZ


Here is some of the feedback from our workshop, Scams and Jargon, at

Fleet Social and Bowling Club.

It was a very informative and interesting talk.
— Diane C
It was very good of you to give up your time and help us. We feel vulnerable, but your workshop has given me courage.
— Steve M
I had no idea what to expect, but I am delighted I came
— Teresa
Thank you for giving up your time and giving us the tools to be better prepared. The handout you gave is very helpful. I had no idea who to call or to whom to report incidents.
— Richard